Celebrate the Constitution!
Join us in celebrating the Constitution by creating digital content to share your knowledge and insights about the U.S. Constitution with us!
Participants who submit digital content by September 30, 2021, will have a chance to win one of the following:
ACLUF-SDIC t-shirt or tote bag
A 30-minute chat with ACLUF-SDIC Executive Director Norma Chávez-Peterson, Legal Director David Loy, or another key staff member about what it means to fight for a more equitable region
Your content will be posted on this website and some submissions will be shared on our social media channels.
Find more information on creating your digital content below.
We ask you to not only celebrate the Constitution for what it is; we want you to celebrate it for what it can be. Share your unique perspective and bold ideas. Tell us how you would you help create a more equitable region!
STEP 1: Learn about the Constitution, landmark Supreme Court cases, your rights and more with our CTC! Student Guide to the U.S. Constitution and choose a Guiding Question to answer in your digital creation.
STEP 2: Explore different types of Creative Expression to spark ideas about how you might produce your digital creation.
STEP 3: Watch this video example produced by ACLUF-SDIC interns, Arsema Aklog and Madi Logan: Let’s Amend the 13th Amendment to Truly Abolish Human Enslavement.
STEP 4: Read our Guide to Video Best Practices.
STEP 5: Create your script/content/storyboard, practice, then make your digital creation! (Free graphics for your video: ACLUF-SDIC Downloadable Artwork.
STEP 6: Ask your parents/guardian to sign the CTC! Parental/Guardian Consent Waiver and SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO by Friday, September 10 (more information on the waiver and video submission is below).
Submission Form for Students/Youth under 18-years-old. If you are 18 or older, please use this form to upload your content.
CTC! Parental/Guardian Consent Waiver
If you are under 18-years-old, please have your parent/guardian complete this form. You must submit your signed waiver when you submit your digital content.
VIDEO SUBMISSION DUE DATE: Friday, September 10, 2021
ACLUF-SDIC Downloadable Artwork: These graphics can be used in your digital content.
CTC! Slideshow and Notes: Dive deeper into the U.S. Constitution and landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases.
CTC! True or False Trivia Quiz: Test your knowledge about the Constitution!
My School, My Rights: Learn about your rights as a student in California!