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Celebrate the Constitution!
Educational Videos
The First Amendment: Religion, Expression, Action
Omar Passons, Director Office of Integrative Services,
County of San Diego
This video covers the First Amendment's protection
of religion, expression and action.
Doggy & Dr. Bach on the First Amendment and Free Speech
Dr. Bach Ho, Professor,
California State University Fullerton
In this video by Organic Intelligence, a small dog and a philosophy professor discuss the First Amendment and free speech. Dr. Bach explains what amendments are and presents a 'puzzle' about a uniting philosophy.
First Amendment and Speech in School
Hon. Jim Stiven, U.S. Magistrate Judge, Retired
Judge Stiven explores free speech rights on the school campus for teachers and students. This video is designed to provoke discussion about these rights and the meaning of reasonable restrictions of speech on campus. For a more detailed look into this topic, see: "First Amendment and Speech in School: Extended Version."
First Amendment and Speech in School: Extended Version
Hon. Jim Stiven, U.S. Magistrate Judge, Retired
Judge Stiven explores free speech rights on the school campus for teachers and students. This video is designed to provoke discussion about these rights and the meaning of reasonable restrictions of speech on campus. This extended version also includes references to court cases.
The Bill of Rights Is Not Absolute: The First Amendment, Public Health and Welfare
Hon. H. Lee Sarokin, Judge (Retired)
Judge Sarokin discusses how the Bill of Rights is not absolute, especially when the government must protect public health and welfare.
Free Speech in Schools
Molly Tack-Hooper, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU of Washington
In this video, Molly Tack-Hooper is joined by ACLU Staff Attorney Breanne Schuster and Intake Counselor Gemma Junkinsmith to discuss students' First Amendment rights in schools.
Freedom of Speech for Students
Evan Peña, Attorney; Hollis Peterson, Attorney; and Elaine Kong, Law Clerk
Paul, Plevin, Sullivan & Connaughton LLP
This video provides an introduction to the First Amendment with an emphasis on the freedom of speech, including: who is bound by the freedom of speech, examples of speech that are protected and not protected, students' free speech rights, and free speech rights at public protests.
Your Rights are Under Attack: A Discussion of the First and Fourth Amendments
John Eger, Emeritus Professor of Communication, San Diego State University
Professor Eger discusses how your First and Fourth Amendment rights are being threatened by mass surveillance, social media and big data.
An Overview of the Constitution and the First Amendment
Randall Sjoblom, Senior Deputy County Counsel,
County of San Diego
This video provides a brief description of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and then takes a more indepth look at the First Amendment's application to teachers and students on school campuses.
Civil Liberties & Social Media
Dr. John Eger, Emeritus Professor of Communication, San Diego State University
Dr. Eger explains how First and Fourth Amendment rights are threatened by technology and social media companies.
The Importance of the First Amendment
Rep. Scott Peters (U.S. House of Representatives)
Rep. Scott Peters discusses the importance of the First Amendment.
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